Hello beautiful soul and Happy Monday FIP babes! We typically post a new blog post every Monday so we hope you tune in as we dive in this month about water. So many of you are already kicking but in our #8togoH20 challenge for the month of August! If you want to join us click here for more info. We are here to encourage you to put your best foot forward and sometimes we like to dive into things like being water conscious.
Did you know that the average American uses roughly 80 to 100 gallons of water per day within their home? Multiply that by a family of three and you’re up to 300 gallons of water every day! While we don’t think much about our dishwashing, showering, toilet flushing, laundry, and more, our easy access to clean water is seen as a major luxury for several communities around the world.
Over the past four years we have worked with Love Water Org, a non-profit organization that works to provide safe drinking water for residents of third world countries that are not as fortunate as others. Without Love Water Org, families across developing countries would lack the filtration systems they need to acquire clean water for daily uses. However, with the help of partners in the field and the financial support from organizations like Flex it Pink, Love Water has now been able to provide water sources to 2 orphanages, 6 schools. 1 health clinic, 2 community churches, and 120 families in Africa.
While progress has been made, the majority of water sources in developing countries still remain unimproved, leaving nearly 3.4 million people to die every year due to contaminated water and lack of sanitation. Although a devastating number, Love Water Org has taught us that such tragedy can be avoided by taking action against waterborne illnesses that can readily be prevented.
While we may not have the knowledge or tools to build a filtration system ourselves, we do have the power to donate to a charitable organization who can. This summer we have already provided enough money to enable the community of Masajja B to access clean and safe water with a newly constructed well, and that’s only the beginning! Our Summer Solemate run is still available for purchase and when you sign up for a run pack, FIP donates a portion of the funds to Love Water Org to allow more water miracles to take place!
Clean water may always be at our fingertips, but since teaming up with Love Water Org, we have become much more conscious of the amount of water we use on a daily basis. Though it may not be convenient to turn off the water when shaving or reduce the length of time we spend in the shower, using upwards of 80 gallons of clean water a day may be a bit extravagant and slightly unsustainable on our part. Therefore, we ask you to evaluate the amount of clean water you and your family go through daily.
Are there areas where you could reduce your use?
Do you think you could set goals for saving more water in your home?
We tested ourselves and measured the amount of water we used when hand washing dishes and sadly it was nearly 15 gallons! Holy moly did we reevaluate that process.
Keep up being awesome ladies and making sustainable choices that benefit the world.
Flex it Pink