For many of you shelter in place means more dishes, more laundry, working from home, cooking more, homeschooling and to top it off your gyms have closed. We are hoping to add value to your weekly schedule and wanted to put together just some 5 minute hacks that have helped us keep moving. We'll be honest it hasn't been easy. There will be days that we stop and go, "I haven't moved in 3 days" besides regular chores etc.
It's so important during this time to find time to MOVE. With little to no time for working out from home with such demand one everything else we hope you find these 5 minute hacks helpful in getting some exercise.
Three 5 Minute Exercise hacks while sheltering in place.
1. Run/Walk- We have the ability of talking ourselves out of running because we aren't able to run the distance or for the amount of time we would like so we just don't do it at all. Isn't that crazy? So, before you hop in the shower or your kids are out riding their bikes or you're waiting on your spouse to start binge watching your next Netflix show hit the pavement for 5 minutes.
2. Stretch- Stop, drop and stretch. That's right... All those cool downs or stretching exercises at the end of your super rad gym session or your super amazing Zumba class, do those! Too often we feel like we have to find out tube channel to follow or put on an instructional video when we have the tools we need to stretch. Ditch the digital for stretching and go with what feels good for your body. Calf stretches are the best!
3. Jump Rope- Yep. Jump Rope. Grab your rope and jump for 5 minutes. You'll find yourself tired after about 1 minute but you could jump for 50 seconds, rest for 10, repeat.
The point is don't stop moving because there isn't an hour set aside for your favorite group X class or you can't make you instructors now virtual offering. You can keep moving and we are here to support you. This time does not have to be the time that you transform your body but it does need to be the time that we keep moving for our mental health. If you find it easier to move with people we are offering our community LIVE workouts on Thursday's but in the meantime try to do one of these a day. We promise if you're feeling down it will make you feel better. If you are feeling over loaded it will relieve that sense of urgency you are carrying.
We love you and want nothing but the best for you. We hope you are finding ways to keep moving and are so proud of each of you.
Flex it Pink